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Optimize your breath. Enhance your life.


Upcoming Events with Danny

Meet Danny Massa

Danny Massa is a 32-year-old man who was born and raised in the Bronx. Like so many of us, as an insecure adolescent, Danny was picked on for his weight. And so at the age of 12, he turned to boxing, martial arts, and physical fitness to build his confidence. 

Shortly after, Danny began competing in boxing matches and mixed martial arts competitions and holds a record of 10 wins and 4 losses. His father, Captain Daniel J.  Massa, served New York City as a Firefighter for 25 years and was part of the rescue and recovery effort at the World Trade Center in  2001.  His father’s words, “Always try to leave everywhere you’ve been a little nicer than the way you found it”, inspired Danny to follow in his footsteps and become a New York City Firefighter. Danny is also a member of the FDNY Boxing Bravest (with a 4-0 record) and the FDNY Grappling Team, where he trains and prepares future firefighters.

Whether he’s battling in the ring, grappling in the cage, carrying patients down countless flights of stairs during emergency medical calls or extinguishing blazing infernos, one truth remains–breath matters. In short, if you can breathe, everything is okay. If you can’t, then nothing else matters.

This principle has captivated Danny so much that it inspired him to become a Certified Breath Coach under the tutelage of Dr. Belisa Vranich, a world renowned clinical psychologist who has coached everyone from Special Ops Military to professional athletes. Danny, is a certified Wim Hof instructor and Group Fitness Instructor. He is also passionate about the benefits of cold exposure. Like his father, Danny believes in the power of service and leaving this world just a little bit nicer than how he found it.

Schedule a WHM Breathwork Ice Bath Workshop at your Corporate location

As a Wim Hof Method Certified Instructor, Danny is trained in fitness, mindfulness, and breathwork. You can book individual sessions with him in person or online.

Set up a WHM breathwork and ice bath workshop at your gym, yoga studio, or corporate office to gift your team the priceless benefits of Breathing in with Danny.





Inhale. Expand. Exhale. Narrow.

Survivor 44

Danny was a standout contestant on the forty-fourth season of the American competitive reality television series Survivor. Watch it now on CBS Paramount +.

Breathe in With Danny


“I did a 30-minute breath-work session with Danny, and it was nothing short of amazing. It was very easy for me to trust him because the confidence he had in himself was evident. He was clear, kind, and patient while guiding me.

The session was extremely informative as Danny taught me many interesting facts about the benefits of breathing. He was very professional and knowledgeable about his practice. I will leave it to Danny to teach you all the extensive data on breath-work; however, when I left just one session, I could tell you I felt many positive effects instantly.

After the session, my body felt lighter, and I felt blissfully calm. My mind was clear, and I was very in the moment (which is rare for me). Most shockingly, my heart rate was beating at a low, healthy pace. My resting heart rate is usually at a very high pace, and after breathing with Danny, I was pleasantly surprised to see my heart rate at the number it was.

I am so excited to continue my breath-work sessions with Danny, and I am eager to see all of the positive outcomes it has on my health in the future. This will definitely be a part of my routine, and I highly recommend you do it too with Danny.”

— Mary Brancazio

As a woman in perimenopause, sometimes my hormones attack me without warning, which can be scary. My heart races, I begin sweating, and sometimes I’m light-headed. That often sent me into full-blown panic attacks. The exercises I learned from Breathe in With Danny changed my life.  I never knew that how I was breathing was causing my cortisol level to increase and making me more susceptible to anxiety and panic attacks.  I no longer fear these hormonal sneak attacks because Danny has armed me with diaphragmatic breathing, the mechanism to control my body’s stress response.  Before my classes, I felt my hormones controlled the way I feel; now, I am empowered to know how I breathe controls the way I feel.  It won't be the last time I have attacks of this nature however, now I have the tools to quiet my mind.  This is not hyperbole. Understanding how to breathe properly changed my life!

— Dr. Shannon O’Grady
